with the support of
A service proposed by the International Land Coalition and AGTER, designed and implemented by AGTER
This session is part of an ongoing training programme for ILC member organizations, organizations and individuals who participated in the Global Forum on Access to Land WFAL2016, as well as other interested individuals and organizations.
The content was produced from a first course developed in 2014-2015 by Samir El Ouaamari, then responsible for studies at AGTER, who is now a Senior Lecturer at AgroParisTech (UMR Comparative Agriculture and Agricultural Development, UMR PRODIG), and a member of AGTER's Board of Directors. It has been reworked, completed and updated by Michel Merlet, agro-economist, Director of AGTER and Mathieu Perdriault, agro-economist and policy analyst, in charge of AGTER's development and projects.
The objective of the course is to provide tools for analysing land grabbing situations and for action. These tools have been developed following an examination of the various forms this phenomenon takes around the world, and the very diverse responses they receive. They provide an understanding of both the specificities of each individual case and their common features. They thus facilitate the design of joint actions and coalitions between actors and organisations mobilised in the face of distinct lang grabs, and with organisations acting in a political and legal field that goes beyond the particular case.
The course provides a forum for sharing participants' views. Participants are not there to learn passively, listening to lectures, as is often the case in distance learning. They work in direct dialogue with the pedagogical team, through chats and forums, throughout the 4 weeks of the course. They make their own contribution to the other participants from their own experience. They must use the analytical tools that have been presented to describe a situation that they know or that particularly interests them.
The course consists of 3 one-week modules each devoted respectively to understanding, analysing and responding to land grabbing, followed by a one-week sequence devoted to the tutored finalisation of the case studies :
- Module I: Understanding... what we call land grabbing. How are they defined? What is their history? In what forms do they manifest themselves? What do they represent today?
- Module II: Analysing... the economic logic behind large-scale land appropriations, taking a critical look at the justifications put forward by their promoters, analysing their impacts on farmers and countries.
- Module III: Responding... to land grabs by identifying the various forms of resistance possible, discussing the conditions for their success or failure.
- During the fourth and last week of the course, the participants - always followed by the training facilitators - will have time to complete the personal work proposed during the previous 3 weeks and, above all, to continue the exchange of experiences and points of view.

- Teacher: Christian Castellanet
- Teacher: Mathieu Perdriault
- Teacher: Emma TYROU